These creative guest book ideas will help set your wedding apart.
A guest book helps capture the memory of your big day. It’s one of those special wedding items, along with your photo album, that you pull out on anniversaries and holidays to remember the details of the day. Traditionally, couples have had their guests sign a paper book, but more and more we are seeing couples thinking outside the box when it comes to this wedding ritual. If the goal is to capture the memory of your wedding, why not do so in a way that is both fun AND functional? Choosing to create a unique guest book is another way to showcase your personality and help set your wedding apart!
See our 9 guest book ideas below:
A polaroid photo book. Provide your guests with a polaroid camera, double-sided tape, and pens. Guests can snap a selfie and add it to the book with a note!

Take pen to portrait. Print out a large picture of the two of you (or have a caricature made!) and have your guests sign around it. This can then become fun art you hang in your home.

Message in a bottle. Have guests write notes on small strips of paper and slip them into small bottles (or all in one larger empty bottle). You and your partner can read them once you return from your honeymoon or on your 1 year anniversary.

Sign small items. Have your guests sign small items such as stones or seashells from somewhere meaningful to you. You can add them into a jar to keep. Or have them sign small wooden hearts such as the ones below!

Written on wood. Have a large wooden sign made with your names and wedding date and give guests sharpies to sign it.

Corkboards. A wine lover? Have your guests sign wine corks for a corkboard! This is both cute and functional beyond your wedding day.

Puzzle. Have a blank puzzle made and ask each guest to sign a puzzle piece. You can do the puzzle each year on your anniversary!

Ask for advice. Ask your guests to share with you their best marriage or relationship advice on individual note cards

Get out a globe. And have guests sign their names to places they have been with you or places they recommend you go.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your guest book. If the traditional guest book does not excite you why not show off your personality with a more unique version! For even more inspiration see Brides’ article on DIY Guestbook ideas.